Trying to wind down a bit at work from a busy weekend. I know. How do you wind down at work. So far, things have been fairly relaxed at work. The past weekend was spent celebrating birthdays for Brad and Julia. Both were born in March, only 11 years and 1 week apart. Ha-ha! Fun was had by everyone.
I'm surfing through the RA websites while trying to catch up on the latest RA news.
My Remicade treatments are going great so far. I am working out more frequently now and am walking briskier now...even breaking out into a jog. I'm waking without excrutiating joint pain too. Not sure how long this will last, but for now I will enjoy it.
This blog originally created as a communications outlet for issues related to rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune disorders. However, general blogging subjects are also welcome.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Rain-soaked, but pain-free...
Greetings! I hope everyone had a great weekend. We have been hit by storms in the Ohio Valley for several days. I had my second Remicade infusion on Friday. I am feeling better. I know this is not the cure, however, I feel I'm starting to get on with my life. Being without the RA morning pain and stiffness sent starting Remicade has been wonderful.
I have begun working out more frequently and brisk-walking. This has helped me behind the drumkit as well. I am able to play longer during sessions. I wish all of you a great week.
I have begun working out more frequently and brisk-walking. This has helped me behind the drumkit as well. I am able to play longer during sessions. I wish all of you a great week.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Ahhh! Welcome Spring!
Today I have opened the windows and am enjoying the sights, sounds and smells of coming spring. The mild
Ohio Valley temperature with the pleasant spring breeze is welcoming. I will get out and enjoy a walk or perhaps a jog. A great day to get out and move. Blessings!
Ohio Valley temperature with the pleasant spring breeze is welcoming. I will get out and enjoy a walk or perhaps a jog. A great day to get out and move. Blessings!
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