I also wanted to share with everyone, I believe our mental attitude has a direct effect on our overall health and physical wellbeing. Now, this may strike a wrong chord with some. I can accept this and I respect everyone's belief. I have been reading many books on this subject and at first, I too was skeptical. Having been rediscovering my own beliefs since 2008 when my health began this rollercoaster ride, I thought, "what the hell do I have to lose"? Absolutely nothing. I began this journey by having an open mind. I stopped listening to negative statements from others, including some of my own family. And, I will state to you I have family whom (God love'em) constantly speak with such negativity they seldom hear themselves.
My intent here is not too slander any of my family. My point is simply this; once I began filtering out all of my own negative thoughts and I closed my ears to outside negativity, I could literally feel a change. Not only mentally, but physically. No, I have not mastered this. I still continue to read, educate and put into practice what my mind has ingested.
I hope by sharing this even one person out there becomes inspired. I have applied this "positive thinking" to every aspect of my life. Physical, mental and spiritual. I am currently reading, The Power of the Mind to Heal by Joan and Miroslav Borysenko. I recommend this book. Two other excellent books are, Excuses Begone and Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling by Dr. Wayne Dyer. Namaste!
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